When you've got a shared website hosting plan and you create an e-mail address, you might consider the option to send and receive emails for granted, however, this is not always the case. Sending emails isn't always a part of the hosting packages that service providers offer and an SMTP service is necessary to be able to do that. The abbreviation represents Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and this is the software application that permits you to send out e-mails. If you use an email app, it connects to the SMTP server. The latter then queries the DNS records of the domain, which is a part of the receiving address to find out which mail server handles its emails. After system information is interchanged, your SMTP server delivers the e-mail to the remote IMAP or POP server and the e-mail is finally delivered in the related mailbox. An SMTP server is necessary if you work with some sort of contact form as well, so if you work with a no charge hosting package, for instance, it's probable that you won't be able to use such a form since many no charge web hosting companies do not allow outgoing emails.

SMTP Server in Shared Website Hosting

With every single shared website hosting that we offer, you will be able to use our SMTP server and send out emails using your favorite e mail app, webmail or a script on your web site. The service is provided with the plans by default, not as a paid upgrade or on-demand, so that you can use your emails as soon as you create them using your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. We've made in-depth tutorials how you can set up a mail box in the most widespread desktop and smartphone email clients and they also include all SMTP options you need along with standard problems that you may come across in addition to their solutions. If you work with an online contact page form on your web site, all that you should enter is the server name as well as your e-mail, so you can get the form working quickly.

SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Servers

You can use our SMTP server with every semi-dedicated server package that we offer. This allows you to send out emails through webmail, an e-mail application on your computer or phone, or a script on your website. You can start sending emails once you set up a new mailbox in the Emails area of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and this is also the place where you can get the settings you'll need. You could also check the help articles in the same section and see our comprehensive guides regarding how to set up an account in the most widely used clients. If you ever encounter any problem sending out emails, you should check the catalog of frequent solutions we have compiled for your benefit. You can use our semi-dedicated servers when you send out regular newsletters to customers as the amount of outbound email messages for these kinds of plans is much higher in contrast to the shared website hosting packages.